Sunday Morning Groups
Sunday school classes for all ages meet 9:45 to 10:45 AM, with exceptions noted. Couples and singles are welcome in all adult classes.
Adult classes are listed below:
The Faith Class:
A discussion based class founded on Biblical scripture lead by a team of teachers, Sally Durbin, Mike Marshall and Neal Deaves. This class is composed of adults from both services. In a very relaxed atmosphere we study scripture and work very hard to apply it to every day life as we experience it. In a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere we help each other understand the Good News that has been revealed to us and the guidance it gives us in our pursuit of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Books change each quarter with New and Old Testament studies as well as current topics related to Christian life and personal relationships. The average age of the class varies.
The Seekers Class:
Are varying age groups all wanting to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord. We use Bible Study and occasional Christian books. We want to learn to trust the Lord more and more so we can live out His purposes for our lives.
Growing Hearts of Faith:
This class consists of ages 30s thru 60s, and at varying stages of life, from toddlers to grandparents and empty nesters sharing our life experiences as we grow in the Lord. As a Sunday school, we desire to support each other as we grow in our faith and knowledge of Jesus. Our lessons range from studying particular books of the bible to topical studies and how to keep our focus on Jesus through daily joys and struggles.
Covenant Class:
Welcomes adults of all ages. Lessons are presently led by Linda McGohon. Class members are invited to share in the open discussion or just sit back and listen. Extra books are kept on the table in if you would like to take part. Currently studying Christian Character (Lifeguide Bible Studies)
Iron to Iron Class:
Men of all ages are welcome.
Do you desire to connect deeper with God and apply biblical truths to your life? Our Bible Study class, meets in the back of the sanctuary. Join us on Sunday mornings for fellowship, study and accountability! Come with an open Bible, an open heart, ready to let the Holy Spirit work in you. No name, no age specification only a desire to learn and understand the relevance of the scriptures as it applied to your life. Currently studying the life of Moses. Summer study of The Screwtape letters, by C.S., next fall Revelations.
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